
Results 111 to 120 of about 601

Data Science


I have done my Data Science training through the STEPS program of Spectrum Softtech Solutions. It was an inspirational mix of practical tips and guidance from the expert professionals in Data Science.I am very happy that I got this right opportunity and will suggest the same for all of you.

Artificial Intelligence


I did my Artificial Intelligence training at STEPS.Good and well experienced faculty members,I am very happy to recommend the STEPS training program to all who are looking for a career in Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence


I did my Artificial Intelligence training at STEPS.Good and well experienced faculty members,I am very happy to recommend the STEPS training program to all who are looking for a career in Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence


I did my Artificial Intelligence training at STEPS.Good and well experienced faculty members,I am very happy to recommend the STEPS training program to all who are looking for a career in Artificial Intelligence.

Python Full Stack

Name : Hassain  A

I did my Python training at STEPS..Good and well experienced faculty members,I am very happy to recommend the STEPS training program to all who are looking for a career in Python

Hassain  A
Web Designing

Name : Kailas  Mohan

I did my Web Designing course at STEPS and I am happy to recommend it to all as STEPS can give a first-hand experience in a real company environment, which no other training institutes can give.

Kailas  Mohan
Web Designing

Name : Abdul Muhasid P

I am very happy that I have chosen STEPS Program of Spectrum Softtech Solutions for my web design training. It was a very worthy to sharpen my design skills and gain expertise on this platform. The lead instructor I got here was very patient, friendly, knowledgeable and helped me to learn the programs accurately apart from theoretical practices. The learning environment was friendly and competitive. Training experience was totally different and unique from that of any training institute. This training helped me to excel in advanced versions of designing.

Abdul Muhasid P
Web Designing

Name : Muhammed Nasal 

I did my web designing training at STEPS. It is a good experience to feel like being in an IT company while getting training. Good facilities and I have got real work experience also through projects . It is a good start to my career.

Muhammed Nasal 
Web Designing

Name : Jinto M Shajan

Good experience at STEPS inside Spectrum IT Company. Better part is the career guidance and support the senior people give there. The time spent there was valuable to get a proper career molding. Trainers helped us well. God placement after training in my core field of interest.

Jinto M Shajan
Software Testing Plus Manual Automation


I have learned Software Testing course from STEPS Kochi. It was a really good experience. Faculties provided me with good support. I had no idea how to learn automation testing without any programming knowledge but their teaching skills and knowledge helped me to learn quickly. I completed my Manual and Automation testing course from STEPS Kochi and also I am thanking the team.