
Results 91 to 100 of about 601

Python Full Stack

Name : Najma P 

I joined for python training at STEPS, which is a totally different work environment compared to typical college or training institute set up.Good experience at STEPS inside Spectrum IT Company. Better part is the career guidance and support given by the the senior people.

Najma P 
Python Full Stack

Name : Kavya Vijayan 

Python has a lot of opportunities and I was basically interested in programming. Thanks to STEPS training for the support given in learning and practicing Python and supporting for finding a job in the core programming field. Being at STEPS was overall a good experience for me.

Kavya Vijayan 
Python Full Stack

Name : Alwyn W 

I have done my Python training through the STEPS program of Spectrum Soft tech Solutions for one month. It was an inspirational mix of practical tips and guidance from the expert professionals in python.I am very happy that I got this right opportunity and will suggest the same for all of you.

Alwyn W 
Python Full Stack

Name : Sreejith S 

I did my Python Full-Stack training at STEPS.Unlike going into a training institute, STEPS is offering training in a live industrial mode, where we got a good exposure to projects and all.Thank you STEPS for all the support and concern

Sreejith S 
Python Full Stack

Name : Kiran C Balan

I did my Python training at STEPS..Good and well experienced faculty members,I am very happy to recommend the STEPS training program to all who are looking for a career in Python

Kiran C Balan
Python Full Stack

Name : Fathima Shajahan 

I have done my Python training through the STEPS program of Spectrum Soft tech Solutions. I am very happy with that I took right decision in choosing the STEPS program for my training.. STEPS help freshers to grow into a complete professional level.

Fathima Shajahan 
Python Full Stack

Name : Ciljo Mathew 

I joined for python training at STEPS, which is a totally different work environment compared to typical college or training institute set up.Good experience at STEPS inside Spectrum IT Company. Better part is the career guidance and support given by the the senior people.

Ciljo Mathew 


The training of Flutter at STEPS is very good for freshers. The new environment I got at STEPS was different from that of a training institute. We got access to the real-time working process of Spectrum. I would refer everyone STEPS Kochi for the best Flutter training in Kochi.

Digital Marketing

Name : Akhil T L

I did my Digital marketing training at STEPS.Good and well experienced faculty members,I am very happy to recommend the STEPS training program to all who are looking for a career in Digital Marketing

Akhil T L

Name : Arun  Pushpan

I joined for Flutter training at STEPS, which is a totally different work environment compared to typical college or training institute set up. Good experience at STEPS inside Spectrum IT Company. Better part is the career guidance and support given by the senior people.

Arun  Pushpan